A next generation platform for independent financial advisers
Söderberg & Partners Wealth Management
We are combining our long history in the Nordics with expertise in the UK platform space to become the best platform partner to Independent Financial Advisers in the UK. By providing IFAs with a digital only, efficient, and paperless platform at a competitive price and with an excellent service offering, we create value for advisers and clients alike.
A future proofed platform built on a modern API architecture, allowing us to seamlessly add new elements and the best 3rd party solutions.
Straight through processing in a fully digital solution. Instant deposits and auto-investment function allowing investments getting to market faster, and contracted settlement for faster switches.
Paperless user journeys with no documents or wet signatures required. No more manual processes and burdensome administration, freeing up more time for your clients.
With a multi-model approach we allow advisers to hold various investment strategies within the same wrapper type. In addition, we of course offer a flexible ISA.
Cost effective
Increased efficiency allows for lower costs. We offer tiered platform and adviser charging with full flexibility on fees, as well as family linked pricing.
Here for You
The foundation of our offering is, and always will be, personal service. Our Service Centre is with you every step of the way to assist advisers and their clients to get the most out of our platform.
© 2024 Soderberg & Partners Wealth Management Ltd.
Soderberg & Partners Wealth Management Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Registration Number: 995131). Soderberg & Partners Wealth Management Ltd is a firm registered in England and Wales (Company Number: 14035487). Registered Office: One Temple Quay, Temple Back East, Bristol, England, BS1 6DZ